Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Deadly, messy mistake

South Africa is recalling millions of condoms…

Umm, okay, can you send back your condom? Preferably…unused?

This is where a recall actually borders on the criminal. How do you apologize? Hopefully the brande name of these wasn't "Assure" because it would have to be changed to "Unsure"…all in a day's work.

Friday, October 19, 2007

God help(ed) them

Allen, who wandered away from his parents while hiking Sunday, was found lying in a clearing about a mile from where his hat was found Monday.--MSNBC article

How does an autistic child with "the mental capacity of a 3 or 4 year old" get separated from his family on a hiking trip? Umm, you mean maybe they weren't watching him? I think it's crazy that he got separated at all--if he really is at that level, then he should be "watched" like you would watch someone that size. And thus, he would never have been lost.

Apparently God helped the parents find their son. Maybe God was also trying to remind them to pay attention to their child…next time. This time they were lucky.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hypocrisy! It's outrageous.

SAN DIEGO -- The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego is asking parishioners to donate $25 million to help pay for its $198.1 million settlement with childhood sex abuse victims.

Maybe the Church leaders should have thought about obligations when they didn't allow the priests to marry and live like normal men.

Is the priesthood the only place a Catholic male who happens to be a Pedophile can go? The people who knew about these horrible acts should be paying, not the parishioners. The parishioners have already paid in blood by living with the abuse and suffering from the effects.

To ask your parishioners to pony up money so you can pay your debts in this case is like Charles Manson asking the family of Sharon Tate to pay his defense fees. Immoral, irresponsible, and wrong.

I'm an idealist, and no church should be described in those words: immoral, irresponsible, and wrong. It's just plain outrageous, when you think about it. Praise God from one side of the mouth, and ask for money out of the other--and not money to help the poor or heal the sick. There's not enough money in the world to heal this sickness.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

It's a sign from above

California should secede. You know you're unwanted, unloved…when all they do is come and take the money. And then they delete you from the internet--your entire state domain. That's what they told us at my office--that the CA.GOV domain had been "deleted." Then the local news really downplays the whole thing--as if people were "restricted" from the web and not blocked. Freedom of expression? Not in California, and not in any official capacity.

I usually laugh at or with conspiracy theories, but this one makes me go hmmm.

You know you're a cynic when... see an ad…"Tomorrow I'll be president, Today I am a Girl Scout" and in your mind you're thinking…Tomorrow you'll be a diabetic and today you're selling cookies!!"

When we actually have a woman as president, I might be able to see it. Meanwhile, the ethnic question also begs to be answered. Which comes first, color or gender? And let's not forget religion too…